During the often-overlooked stressful times of pregnancy, chiropractic treatment can provide relief for your back pain and stress. Our skilled chiropractors in Federal Way are trained to assist you through your pregnancy, promoting the healthiest possible experience for you.

Prenatal Chiropractic in Federal Way

As women prepare for pregnancy, they undergo various changes, including weight gain and a shift in balance. These alterations often lead to the curvature of the back due to the imbalance of weight, placing abnormal pressure on the hips. Spending nine months with these conditions can contribute to discomforting back pain.

Studies indicate that 7 out of every 10 women experience severe back pain during pregnancy, with the third trimester, when the baby weighs the most, being the peak period for such discomfort. Additionally, issues related to added weight during pregnancy can extend to cramping and digestive problems.

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Equipped with the expertise and training necessary to identify issues for most pregnant women, our chiropractic team can guide you towards a healthy pregnancy. Seeking chiropractic care is a valuable consideration as it can significantly contribute to the well-being of both you and your baby.

With a proven track record, our chiropractic techniques excel in promoting a healthy pregnancy. Specialized for the safety of both mother and baby, chiropractic treatment for pregnant women has demonstrated success. A majority of pregnant women who undergo our chiropractic care report avoiding the use of painkillers throughout their pregnancy. Furthermore, studies have shown that chiropractic treatment can lead to a reduction in the duration of labor.

At CU Chiropractic in Federal Way, we are adept at providing gentle, natural, and effective treatment for you and your child.

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