Have you been dealing with shoulder pain? The shoulder joint, responsible for the largest range of motion in your body, can make it challenging to pinpoint the cause of the discomfort. Numerous factors can contribute to shoulder pain, including issues in the neck and upper back, wear and tear in the shoulder joint, frequent exercise, and car accidents. Shoulder pain can range from mild to severe, and since you use your shoulder joints extensively every day, it's crucial to care for them to prevent disruptions in your daily activities. While shoulder injuries might initially seem tolerable, it's advisable to have your shoulder pain assessed by a trained chiropractor in Federal Way to prevent any potential worsening of the condition.

Shoulder Pain in Federal Way

Certain symptoms of shoulder pain are more common than others, making precise evaluation crucial for effective care. If you are experiencing persistent pain in the shoulder lasting for a week, difficulty lifting your arm above the shoulder, chronic shoulder pain, challenges in lifting objects, an increase in evening shoulder pain, swelling, bruising, or clicking noises during use, seeking chiropractic assistance is essential.

In determining the optimal approach for shoulder pain, identifying the root cause is paramount. Successful and effective treatments necessitate a comprehensive understanding and evaluation of the pain. The chiropractic team at CU Chiropractic specializes in alleviating shoulder pain. Through collaborative efforts and a combination of our expertise, we strive to create a personalized plan to set you on the path to recovery.

Therapies for Shoulder Pain

The neck and upper back bear the primary responsibility for supporting the shoulder joints. Spinal misalignments can lead to nerve irritation from the spine to the shoulder, resulting in various issues. Essentially, a lack of support for the shoulder joint to handle its load occurs. Injuries often manifest through repetitive stress on overused body parts. If spinal realignment does not bring relief, our team at CU Chiropractic employs various techniques to address and heal shoulder pain. Identifying and rectifying the underlying issue is typically the key to resolving the pain.

Our chiropractic team offers numerous effective methods for relieving shoulder pain. Feel free to reach out to CU Chiropractic in Federal Way today for answers to your questions and to schedule an appointment!

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